onsdag den 10. november 2010

Episode 1-10

And as always the epic edit of all the episodes. Ladies and Gentlemen; Episode 1-10...

Ps: The Project is now running amok in the States with Brendan Carroll & Francesco Giroldini. The 2 rock on guys who brought the world  "The Monk & The Monkey" - Brendan is working as a layout Artist at Dreamworks & Francesco has been working with the cool cats at Pixar in the lighting department. So in the meantime go check their pages and blogs & brace yourselves - this will be good!

ATA episode 1-10 from Animation Tag Attack on Vimeo.

søndag den 7. november 2010

What is the meaning of all this madness?

Hey everyone. As I mentioned earlier we are about to end this bastard baby of ours in 2 episodes, and just out of curiosity I would love to hear everyone's opinion on what the story means so far. Ive been speaking to 5 guys so far and have gotten 5 different analysis, and it would be awesome to hear everybody's take on it. Please keep the "the story sucks" to a minimum and give some constructive feedback: What does it all mean? What doesn't make sense? Which way could it go from here? Etc. That would be awesome to hear...

Thank you.

lørdag den 6. november 2010

Episode 10: Mikey Please

Now we finally got episode 10 online. Made by Mikey Please in pure paper and sound design by Joesph Tate. I just love the texture and the style of it.

Unfortunately our weekly upload limit has been reached on Vimeo, but Ill upload the edit as soon as we reach Wednesday...

Mmmm Paper (& words):

Animated by Mikey Please
Sound design Joesph Tate

tirsdag den 2. november 2010

Animation Tag Attack Update

Hi Everybody and so sorry for the loooong gap between these two episodes. So many crazy things has happened the past few months, but during the next couple of days we should be up and running again and back on track. The main reason for all this delay has been my absence to take part in the Youtube Play exhibition at the Guggenheim 2 weeks ago. So Ive been neglecting my post as curator on this project and for that Im sorry.
And there is a mad story about Mikey P ending up in a desert somewhere in the States without his hard drives that pulled some extra weeks as well, but the graphics are done now and as soon as the sound is running it will be up asap. All in paper. mmm.

We have had a long debate on the team weather to continue this bastard baby of ours or not, and came to the conclusion that either we should round it off shortly, or we should let it go on forever and make the maddest feature ever seen. But because it is quite a heavy pull for me organizing it all, we have decided to end it off after episode 12. Don't get me wrong; it has been awesome working with these cats, and Ive been taken aback with every new episode as they have been ticking in. And all the positive feedback from all of you has just been invaluable. But it seems that a year is a good round number - and with this Guggenheim thing under my belt there has been a lot of offers to go talk on festivals etc...

The Attack is interesting on so many levels (in terms of cooperation with the internet as a platform, the creativity as a single artist Vs. collaboration, style and storytelling etc.) that it just seems natural to spend the next couple of months writing some articles on it and get all intellectual on your asses. And see if I can bring the ATA as a base for the lectures instead of Bear Untitled that went on the exhibition.

So the game plan now is to get 2 more episodes done and enter the public eye and the festival cirquit.

Ill of course keep you guys updated, and if there's anyone out there interested in lending a hand, or knows some good festivals (or has one) - or you organizes talks etc and would be interested in hearing more about the behind the scenes from me and the boys please let me know.

If you happen to know a good sound designer that would be interested in running over the entire thing to rework the sound we would be most grateful as well...

So that's how it all looks. Again Im sorry for the long wait. But all will be back to good a few days from now. Take care, and thank you for listening in.
